Full Mod Guide
This part of the wiki will be dedicated to showing the full process of making a Beat Saber mod.
The Mod
The first step of creating a mod is understanding exactly what you want to achieve.
In this tutorial, we will be creating a mod capable of changing the "MISS" effect and replacing it with text. The mod will have an in-game interface to allow you to change the text through a text input. The mod will be designed in a decoupled way, which will make it easier to add new features to the mod later if we wish.
We can use BSML for the UI, and we can use SiraUtil to create our custom text effects while remaining loosely coupled to in-game functions.
Creating The Project
The first thing we are going to do is set up the plugin template. Refer to the setup guide for more information. We will name the plugin MissTextChanger
and add dependencies to BSML
and SiraUtil
in the metadata.
This will start from a bare-bones BSIPA template, going step by step through the testing process of making a simple plugin to help people understand everything. If you're following along, you can also just use the full template, which has a basic SiraUtil and BSML setup already done.
Figuring Out The Game
Before going any further, we need to get an understanding of how the game handles miss text normally. First, let's go in to ILSpy, and search for "ScoreController". This class is responsible for basically everything related to giving the player score, so we can figure out how misses are handled from here.
In the Start()
method of the ScoreController
, we can see the noteWasMissedEvent
being assigned to which is a part of the BeatmapObjectManager
. Let's analyze this event and see what the add
method of the event is used by. We can now see the MissedNoteEffectSpawner
which, as we can assume by its name, is exactly what we're looking for.
Looking into the MissedNoteEffectSpawner
we can see all it is doing is taking data from the missed note's NoteController
and passing it to a FlyingSpriteSpawner
to spawn the effect. The sprite spawner manages a Zenject Pool of sprite effects.
If we analyze the FlyingSpriteEffect.Pool
we can figure out where it is bound by checking where it is used.
Now, looking at the EffectPoolsManualInstaller.ManualInstallBindings()
method we see a couple different memory pools here. One that is particularly interesting is the FlyingTextEffect
, which if we analyze we can see the FlyingTextSpawner
This is surely something we can use to achieve customizable miss text, however, looking at and comparing the spawn methods for the sprite and text spawners, they are not exactly the same. The x
of the targetPos
vector is anchored in the sprite spawner by its sign, which is why we see miss effects only fly to two locations to the left and right of the track; there are only two possible values for sign.
Because of this difference, if we wanted to maintain the same visuals, we cannot use the FlyingTextSpawner
for our needs. We could use a harmony patch to change how the SpawnFlyingSprite()
method works, but this may affect other mods that may want to use this.
The Solution
Instead of using the game's methods for our needs, let's make a custom effect spawner, and a custom flying object effect. This should ensure that our mod doesn't conflict with other mods' features, but we're going to have to patch in to the MissedNoteEffectSpawner
to replace the base-game's miss effect with our custom one.
Let's start with the MissTextEffect
, which will inherit FlyingObjectEffect
like the other effects. For the text, we will want a TextMeshPro
internal class MissTextEffect : FlyingObjectEffect
// This is the pool from Zenject
public class Pool : MonoMemoryPool<MissTextEffect>;
// We don't have something to use here yet, we will get one later
private AnimationCurve fadeAnimationCurve;
// This field is serialized so that it will be included on instantiation
public TextMeshPro? textMesh;
private Color color;
public void InitAndPresent(string text, float duration, Vector3 targetPos,
Quaternion rotation, Color color, float fontSize, bool shake)
if (textMesh == null) return;
this.color = color;
textMesh.text = text;
textMesh.fontSize = fontSize;
InitAndPresent(duration, targetPos, rotation, shake);
public override void ManualUpdate(float t)
if (textMesh != null)
textMesh.color = color with { a = fadeAnimationCurve.Evaluate(t) };
We have some things to fill in on this object, but we will figure that out a bit later.
Next let's look at the spawner. We will be making sure to match the logic of the sprite spawner so that the behaviour is the same.
internal class MissTextEffectSpawner : MonoBehaviour,
// There is a lot of data here that needs filling
private float duration;
private float xSpread;
private float targetYPos;
private float targetZPos;
private Color color;
private float fontSize;
private MissTextEffect.Pool missTextEffectPool;
public void SpawnText(
Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation, Quaternion inverseRotation)
var text = "CUSTOM MISS";
var targetPos = rotation * new Vector3(
Mathf.Sign((inverseRotation * pos).x) * xSpread,
var missTextEffect = missTextEffectPool.Spawn();
missTextEffect.transform.localPosition = pos;
text, duration, targetPos, rotation, color, fontSize, false);
public void HandleFlyingObjectEffectDidFinish(
FlyingObjectEffect flyingObjectEffect)
All we need to do is register these components in an installer. Let's create a PlayerInstaller
and add our bindings.
- Bind the
as a component on a single new game object - Bind the memory pool for the
similar to the other score effects in theEffectPoolsManualInstaller
internal class PlayerInstaller : Installer
public override void InstallBindings()
Container.BindMemoryPool<MissTextEffect, MissTextEffect.Pool>()
private static MissTextEffect GetMissTextEffectPrefab()
var prefabObject = new GameObject("MissTextEffect");
var textEffect = prefabObject.AddComponent<MissTextEffect>();
var textObject = new GameObject("Text") { layer = 5 };
textObject.transform.SetParent(prefabObject.transform, false);
textEffect.textMesh = textObject.AddComponent<TextMeshPro>();
textEffect.textMesh.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Capline;
textEffect.textMesh.fontStyle = FontStyles.Bold | FontStyles.Italic;
return textEffect;
Creating the MissTextEffect
prefab here doesn't make much sense and should realistically move to its own class but for now this is fine to demonstrate what we're doing.
Remember to add the zenjector to the Plugin
init too.
[Plugin(RuntimeOptions.SingleStartInit), NoEnableDisable]
internal class Plugin
public Plugin(Logger log, Config config,
PluginMetadata metadata, Zenjector zenjector)
log.Info($"{metadata.Name} {metadata.HVersion} initialized.");
Now that we have the main components of the mod outlined, we need to set their fields. There are two ways we can do this. We can do it manually by loading up a map in-game, opening Runtime Unity Editor, and looking for the miss effect spawner to see the values. This may work, but we should figure out how to automate it in case the values aren't constant.
As seen before, we found the prefab for the FlyingSpriteEffect
in the EffectPoolsManualInstaller
. This isn't actually an installer, instead it's a part of the much larger GameplayCoreInstaller
If we were to patch in to the GameplayCoreInstaller
, we can access the prefabs for the FlyingTextEffect
and the instance of the FlyingSpriteSpawner
to get the fields we need for our custom components.
Since we're using SiraUtil for this mod, let's make an affinity patch into the InstallBindings()
method. We can take the fields from the prefabs and bind their values with an ID, so that we can inject them into our own components.
internal class GameCoreInstallerHook : IAffinity
[AffinityPatch(typeof(GameplayCoreInstaller), "InstallBindings")]
private void InstallBindingsPostfix(GameplayCoreInstaller __instance)
var container = __instance.Container;
var flyingSpriteSpawner = __instance._missedNoteEffectSpawnerPrefab._missedNoteFlyingSpriteSpawner;
var flyingTextEffect = __instance._effectPoolsManualInstaller._flyingTextEffectPrefab;
float duration = flyingSpriteSpawner._duration;
float spread = flyingSpriteSpawner._xSpread;
float targetYPos = flyingSpriteSpawner._targetYPos;
float targetZPos = flyingSpriteSpawner._targetZPos;
var color = Color.white;
const float fontSize = 4.5f; // Miss text is a sprite; estimate the font size
var fadeAnimationCurve = flyingTextEffect._fadeAnimationCurve;
var moveAnimationCurve = flyingTextEffect._moveAnimationCurve;
Make sure not to forget to bind this patch. Since we're patching the installer itself, binding it alongside the installer we are patching won't work because the InstallBindings
will be called before our patch is applied. Instead let's make an AppInstaller
, because that will be applied when the game initializes.
internal class AppInstaller : Installer
public override void InstallBindings()
Remember to add this to the Plugin
init too.
And now we add inject methods to our components, starting with the MissTextEffect
. Note that the _moveAnimationCurve
is part of the base class. We need this so that the movement animation matches the base game's movement.
public void Init(
[Inject(Id = "textEffectFadeAnimationCurve")] AnimationCurve fadeAnimationCurve,
[Inject(Id = "textEffectMoveAnimationCurve")] AnimationCurve moveAnimationCurve)
this.fadeAnimationCurve = fadeAnimationCurve;
_moveAnimationCurve = moveAnimationCurve;
And for MissTextEffectSpawner
there are quite a few properties. Also, remember to inject the Pool
public void Init(
[Inject(Id = "missEffectDuration")] float duration,
[Inject(Id = "missEffectSpread")] float xSpread,
[Inject(Id = "missEffectTargetYPos")] float targetYPos,
[Inject(Id = "missEffectTargetZPos")] float targetZPos,
[Inject(Id = "missEffectColor")] Color color,
[Inject(Id = "missEffectFontSize")] float fontSize,
MissTextEffect.Pool missTextEffectPool)
this.duration = duration;
this.xSpread = xSpread;
this.targetYPos = targetYPos;
this.targetZPos = targetZPos;
this.color = color;
this.fontSize = fontSize;
this.missTextEffectPool = missTextEffectPool;
Now we're all set up to implement our custom text effect. We just need to figure out how to spawn them. Ultimately, the goal is to replace the game's "MISS" sprite effect with our own, so let's go back to the MissedNoteEffectSpawner
and patch it to replace the FlyingSpriteSpawner
with our spawner by using a patch.
By using an affinity patch we can inject the MissTextEffectSpawner
and use it within the patch with ease.
internal class OnMissEffectPatch : IAffinity
private readonly MissTextEffectSpawner missTextEffectSpawner;
public OnMissEffectPatch(MissTextEffectSpawner missTextEffectSpawner)
this.missTextEffectSpawner = missTextEffectSpawner;
[AffinityPatch(typeof(MissedNoteEffectSpawner), nameof(MissedNoteEffectSpawner.HandleNoteWasMissed))]
private bool HandleNoteWasMissedPrefix(MissedNoteEffectSpawner __instance, NoteController noteController)
if (noteController.hidden
|| noteController.noteData.time + 0.5f < __instance._audioTimeSyncController.songTime
|| noteController.noteData.colorType == ColorType.None)
// Do nothing
return false;
var position = noteController.inverseWorldRotation * noteController.noteTransform.position;
position.z = __instance._spawnPosZ;
// Spawn our miss text effect
noteController.worldRotation * position,
// Cancel the original implementation
return false;
Apart from being syntactically different to the original method we can see from the decompiler, the logic is the same. We can bind this in the PlayerInstaller
because this method runs during gameplay, and that's where our effect spawner is bound too.
At this point we should be able to see this in action. Open the game with FPFC and open any map. Using No Fail will help.
Adding Settings
There are many ways to add interactive menus in to the game, which you can see in the UI section of this wiki.
For this guide we will be using a custom flow coordinator which will provide plenty of space to add more features to the UI in the future if we need to.
Before creating the UI, let's decide what features we need it to have.
- We want a setting to toggle the mod off and on - this is for the player's convenience and most mods should have one
- We need a way to input text to change the miss text, we can use the ModalKeyboard for this
- As well as the input, we should also have some Text to show the current miss text
- And finally, we need a way to open the modal keyboard. A simple Button can do this
Creating A Config
To make settings that will save between sessions, we can utilize BSIPA's config. Let's create a config class, and add it to the plugin init. Instead of making a static config, we should pass it as a param of the AppInstaller
, then bind it there so we can inject it anywhere.
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(GeneratedStore.AssemblyVisibilityTarget)]
namespace MissTextChanger;
internal class PluginConfig
public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; } = true;
public virtual string MissText { get; set; } = "MISS";
Then add it to the Plugin
var pluginConfig = config.Generated<PluginConfig>();
zenjector.Install<AppInstaller>(Location.App, pluginConfig);
And in the installer:
internal class AppInstaller : Installer
public AppInstaller(PluginConfig pluginConfig)
this.pluginConfig = pluginConfig;
public override void InstallBindings()
/* ... */
Implementing The Settings
Before we mess around with the UI, let's make sure we can make these new features work. First, inject the config into the PlayerInstaller
so we can use it to stop our bindings from being made:
internal class PlayerInstaller : Installer
private readonly PluginConfig pluginConfig;
public PlayerInstaller(PluginConfig pluginConfig)
this.pluginConfig = pluginConfig;
public override void InstallBindings()
if (!pluginConfig.Enabled) return;
/* ... */
You can go to the config .json
file in the UserData
folder and tweak the settings manually to test that this is working. Next, let's add the config to the MissTextEffectSpawner
and use the text property in the SpawnText()
public void SpawnText(
Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation, Quaternion inverseRotation)
/* ... */
var text = pluginConfig.MissText;
missTextEffect.InitAndPresent(text, duration, targetPos, rotation,
color, fontSize, false);
/* ... */
That was simple thanks to zenject. Now let's move on to setting up the UI.
Adding The UI
Now we will set up the flow coordinator so that we can start playing around with the BSML immediately. Let's start at the end of the dependency tree with the view controller.
<toggle-setting value="Enabled" text="Enabled" apply-on-change="true"/>
<text text="~KeyboardInput" id="MissText" align="Capline" font-size="8"
italics="true" bold="true"/>
<button click-event="ShowInputKeyboard" text="change..."
pref-height="10" pref-width="27"/>
<modal-keyboard value="KeyboardInput" show-event="ShowInputKeyboard"/>
And the host for our view:
[HotReload(RelativePathToLayout = @".\settingsView.bsml")]
internal class SettingsViewController : BSMLAutomaticViewController
[Inject] private readonly PluginConfig pluginConfig = null!;
[UIComponent("MissText")] private readonly TextMeshProUGUI missText = null!;
private void PostParse()
private bool Enabled
get => pluginConfig.Enabled;
set => pluginConfig.Enabled = value;
private string KeyboardInput
get => pluginConfig.MissText;
pluginConfig.MissText = value;
private void SetMissTextPreview(string v) =>
missText.text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(v) ? "<alpha=#AA>No miss text" : v;
By using the HotReload
attribute we can get live updates to the view controller when we change the bsml file, without having to re-build the mod.
Now for the FlowCoordinator
, which is responsible for managing our view controller.
internal class MissTextChangerFlowCoordinator : FlowCoordinator
[Inject] private readonly SettingsViewController settingsViewController = null!;
public event Action? DidFinish;
protected override void DidActivate(bool firstActivation, bool addedToHierarchy, bool screenSystemEnabling)
if (firstActivation)
showBackButton = true;
if (addedToHierarchy)
protected override void BackButtonWasPressed(ViewController topViewController)
We're using an action here to signal when we are done so that we don't need an extra dependency to handle returning to the main flow coordinator. This event will be used by our button manager.
internal class MenuButtonManager : IInitializable, IDisposable
private readonly MainFlowCoordinator mainFlowCoordinator;
private readonly MissTextChangerFlowCoordinator missTextChangerFlowCoordinator;
private readonly MenuButtons menuButtons;
private readonly MenuButton menuButton;
public MenuButtonManager(
MainFlowCoordinator mainFlowCoordinator,
MissTextChangerFlowCoordinator missTextChangerFlowCoordinator,
MenuButtons menuButtons)
this.mainFlowCoordinator = mainFlowCoordinator;
this.missTextChangerFlowCoordinator = missTextChangerFlowCoordinator;
this.menuButtons = menuButtons;
menuButton = new("MissTextChanger", PresentFlowCoordinator);
public void Initialize()
missTextChangerFlowCoordinator.DidFinish += DismissFlowCoordinator;
public void Dispose()
missTextChangerFlowCoordinator.DidFinish -= DismissFlowCoordinator;
private void PresentFlowCoordinator() =>
private void DismissFlowCoordinator() =>
That's everything we need to create our UI. Now we just need a MenuInstaller
to create the bindings.
internal class MenuInstaller : Installer
public override void InstallBindings()
And of course, remember to add this to the Plugin
Closing Remarks
We have now covered every step of creating a new Beat Saber mod.
This example mod has been designed in a way which allows easy changes and extension to its features. When designing a mod, it's important to figure out what you want to do so that development doesn't reach a halt.
If you want to learn more we highly recommend checking the source code for other mods to learn more about different APIs and how Beat Saber works. You can find that most mods are open source, and you can find that source by visiting BeatMods and going to the more info section for any given mod.
You can view all of the source code used in this guide here.